Hello guys ,i have a problem with the form builder in the new version of joget workflow v3.0,
Now let me explain it like this,suppose i have a form in which i want to take input from user,like for example

there is a form like the following.
  S.No                      year:                             Degree:                      Grade:

1.                            2000                             Fsc                            A+  

Now the user has suppose entered the above values but he also want to add another year,what i mean to say is that there should be an add button by clicking which he is given the option to add more values on the same activity.
now how is that gona be possible?

What control in the form builder can i use to get this,it was posible in the older version of joget workfow with the grid but can anybody explain how its gona work in the new version v3.0.
please explain to me the use of grid in the v3.0 and if possible give any reference if there is any.thank you.

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  1. Doesn't the Grid element in Form Builder serve your needs?

    Using the Grid element, you can specify the 4 columns, in the "Options" of the Property Editor.

  2. Question 1: - Here user wants to add more then one record recursively by pressing new button again and again can edit old one also. How we can map this type of form for an activity. I mean user wants to add more and more records staying on same activity. In v2.0 there was an editable datagrid where we can insert html input control in cell. Please suggest the solution as we are in trouble and your early response will be highly appreciated. (see screenshot at message end)

    Question 2:- In version 2.0 there was an option to display the forms as tab which was a very useful option if an activity has many forms. In version 3.0 what is its alternative.(Displaying fieldsets as tabs in v2.0)

    Question 3:- Can we associate a list with an activity just like forms mapping with activity. We want to show a particular list for user info while performing an activity. Secondly can we run a process by clicking on a specific record of a list (sending some values of that particular row for process)

    1. Hi,

      Add/remove rows

      The screenshot you have attached doesn't look like one that is built using the earlier version of Joget. By default, in grid element, one can already add/remove rows in both version 2 and the new version 3.


      We do not have such an feature yet in the version 3 as for the moment.

      Associating form element with list

      You may try to make use of Options binder in this case.

      It would be useful if you can attach your exiting works here to see what you have achieved and what's lacking so that we can better assess your problem. Hope it helps.